Airline Names Database

Airline Names Database – Anything About Any Airline

Aviation Edge Flight Tracker API provides detailed data on live, airborne flights. The data is aggregated from our various data partners around the world and presented to our clients through Flight Radar API.

Airline Names

Flight Schedule Database - Efficient Usage

Today, flight schedules are monitored in detail by airlines, airports, travel agencies, software developers, airport service agencies, tourism agencies, aviation, finance or security consultants and more. Having up-to-date information of all airlines in the world and their schedules via easy tools is a big advantage. Easier management of both time and operation. For instance, Flight Timetables information is crucial for tracking flights efficiently. That is why, we not only provide passive aviation data but also real-time airport and flight tracker data to combine with.

Airline Names Database, Airline Flight Database, Airplanes Database, Routes Database and other API services we provide such as Flight Tracker API, Timetables API, Airline Schedules API and Routes API makes the perfect combination to enhance the efficiency of airline monitoring and flight tracking.

Download Information

The databases are available for both download in Excel, csv or sql format and by connecting via the API services of Aviation-Edge.

You can download the Airline Database as individual or use it in combination with other databases and API services. We will inform you of important updates automatically by e-mail. It is also possible to develop software via connecting through the API services to automatically check for updates.

You can try out and see if we have the data you need without making any commitments! Try our free sample and reach Airline Names Database download information by clicking the button on the right! 

Information in the Airline Database includes:

  • Airline Names which are the official names of the airlines as well as the slug names of airlines,
  • Codes which includes Aviation Edge internal codes, IATA codes, IATA prefix and IATA accounting codes as well as ICAO codes,
  • Related data which is the IATA code of the Hub airport of the airline and the name and ISO code of the related country
  • Airline details which includes the status of the airline (active, closed, renamed etc.), the type of the airline (scheduled, charter, cargo, private services etc.), founding year, fleet size and also the average age of fleet,
  • Contact information including airline’s website and social media addresses such as Twitter, Facebook and general communication info such as phone number (when available).

Airline Names Database with Codes and Schedules

Airlines Names Database contains data about all domestic and international airlines. The data does not frequently change due to the nature of the data but it is always up-to-date. This allows you to use our data as a Flight Schedule Database for your app.

We aggregate the  data via our massive database which collects information from the airlines directly and our trusted partners in aviation sector. Updates are carried out via both dedicated software and manual checks.

Airline Codes – How to Make the Best Use of It

We provide databases that include all airline codes and abbreviations used globally in the aviation sector. Whether it is an airline code, the country code of the airline or official codes such as IATA and ICAO codes, clients and their customers are able to save on time by finding out what that code stands for easily. It is also possible to filter the information and focus on one type of data, for instance, the call signs of airlines.

Our database allows clients to always have functional code data on airlines to help determine which airlines to monitor, suggest to their customers or use the data for development. Furthermore, it acts as a pathfinder to determine which flights to track if needed. This is made possible by allowing to make calculations based on the size of a certain airline’s fleet, average technical information such as the age and the growth of the fleet as well as the flight schedules the an airline. Thanks to the variety of the information in the databases, any unique requirement of a client is fulfilled.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions you may have.

We are always interested in hearing our clients’ projects and exchange ideas.

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To see if we have the exact data you need, take a look inside and get your free sample with no commitments! Available below: