Free & Premium Aviation API

Sign up now – Test the service at a discounted rate


$299 $7/month
  • 30 000 calls per month
  • Flight Tracker API
  • Real-time Schedules API
  • Historical Schedules API
  • Future Schedules API
  • Airline Routes API
  • Nearby API
  • Autocomplete API
  • Satellite Tracker API
  • 8 other API systems
  • SLA
  • 24/7 Support


$599 $15/month
  • 100 000 calls per month
  • Flight Tracker API
  • Real-time Schedules API
  • Historical Schedules API
  • Future Schedules API
  • Airline Routes API
  • Nearby API
  • Autocomplete API
  • Satellite Tracker API
  • 8 other API systems
  • SLA
  • 24/7 Support

Business Gold

$1499 $39/month
  • 500 000 calls per month
  • Development support
  • Flight Tracker API
  • Real-time Schedules API
  • Historical Schedules API
  • Future Schedules API
  • Airline Routes API
  • Nearby API
  • Autocomplete API
  • Satellite Tracker API
  • 8 other API systems
  • SLA
  • 24/7 Support

Unlimited Data

  • Unlimited calls per month
  • Development support
  • No usage restrictions*
  • Flight Tracker API
  • Real-time Schedules API
  • Historical Schedules API
  • Future Schedules API
  • Airline Routes API
  • Nearby API
  • Autocomplete API
  • Satellite Tracker API
  • 8 other API systems
  • All our other API systems
  • SLA
  • 24/7 Support

The discounted price is for the initial month, allowing developers to test and implement the API before being charged the full price. The subscriptions are automatically renewed each month at the regular rate of 299$ for the Developer, 599$ for the Business, and 1499$ for the Business Gold package after the initial (test) month ends. In case you are not satisfied with the APIs, you can cancel 7 days before the next renewal by emailing or immediately by canceling it on your dashboard, under the “Invoices” tab. If you have questions about our Premium monthly subscription packages, contact 

Also see our Cancellation Policy and Terms and Conditions.

Alternatively, you could register for our Free API Key with limited data and API calls. Or Upgrade your current key.
Is the price above too high for you? Contact us and we can talk about it.

Flight Tracker API

Clients can connect to the flight tracker through the API key which gives direct access to all the live flight data. The Flight Tracker API allows clients to display within their applications or on their websites and other platforms, the actual tracking of flights including all their relevant information. This service is central to our aviation data and maintained constantly within our database. Since the data is live, the updates happen within short intervals of just a few minutes. Aviation Edge’s function is to gather and maintain the complete aviation data for our clients so that they can create the functional tools for their customers.

Sources and process

The data of the flight tracker API is collected through ADS-B systems as well as the use of flight schedules to anticipate the location and fill in the gaps where needed. We also receive data from our aviation partners and combine all this to the central system for our clients.

Data included in the Flight Tracker API

  • Geography: Location information such as latitude, longitude, altitude and direction.
  • Speed: Vertical and horizontal speed of aircraft.
  • Departure and arrival: IATA codes and ICAO codes of the departure and arrival location.
  • Aircraft and flight: IATA and ICAO number of flight and registration number, ICAO code and ICAO24 code of aircraft.
  • Airline: IATA code and ICAO code of airline.
  • System information: Squawk, status and last updated.


Airport Schedules and Timetables API

The API service provides the flight schedules and timetables of all airports and airlines around the world and maintains this for the clients in a central database, always accessible with the personal API key. The airport and airline timetables and schedules API is one of Aviation Edge’s core features. Making it easy for developers to provide their customers with actual airport departure and arrival times through API on their applications or websites. Our function is to gather and maintain the aviation data and format this into workable flight schedules and airport timetables for the clients so that they can focus on their core business of providing this information to their customers.


Sources and process

The flight timetables and schedules come directly from the airports and airlines when available. Another source of data is through our partnerships with other data providers and aviation. The data is aggregated through dedicated software which connects us with our individual partners.


Data included in the Flight Tracker API

  • Status of the flight: active, scheduled, landed, cancelled, incident, diverted, redirected.
  • Location: departure/arrival: Airport IATA code, ICAO code, Terminal, Gate.
  • Take-off information: delay, the scheduled, estimated and actual time on runway and that of departure/arrival.
  • Airline: Name, IATA code and ICAO code.
  • Flight: Number of Flight, IATA prefix with flight number and ICAO prefix with flight number.

Airline Routes API

The Airline Routes API provides the data about the routes between all the airports an airline operates on. The service collects the active routes of each individual airline and provides this as one database through the API key which you can obtain on this platform. At any time you can connect to the actual flight routes around the world with your API key. Common use of the air routes API is to develop software in the aviation industry. While Aviation Edge’s focus remains on the collection and maintaining of aviation data, the clients are care-free to develop countless applications and platforms upon it.

Sources and process

The flight routes data is provided by aviation authorities, individual airline companies and through our partners within the aviation industry. The data is constantly made actual through our dedicated software, developed for each airline company and through additional manual control when required.

Data included in Airline Routes API

  • Departure data: IATA code, ICAO code, departure Terminal and Time.
  • Arrival data: IATA code, ICAO code, departure Terminal and Time.
  • Airline: IATA code of airline.
  • Flight: Flight Number and Registration Number.

Nearby Airports and Cities API

The API service to find airports and cities nearby a certain location is developed based on the databases about airports and cities which Aviation Edge maintains. Using the latitude and longitude data about the airports and cities, the nearby API can identify within a set range, which airports and cities are nearby. The API then identify the location based on the coordinates alongside additional useful data for the aviation and travel industry about these specific airports and cities. It is also made possible to our clients to develop their own software based on our static databases of airports and cities, however connecting through our Nearby service of airports and cities is made very easy with the API system.

Sources and process

The Nearby airports and cities API is founded on our airports and cities database. These are constantly expanding with more data as they become available to us through new data partnerships and data sharing.


Data included in Nearby airports and cities API

  • Location type: Airport, railway, bus station, heliport, seaport, etc.
  • Location data: IATA code, ICAO code, Name, city and country code related to location, name of country that the location is in.
  • Coordinates and distance: latitude and longitude coordinates of location, distance from input coordinates to location.

Historical Schedules API

The API provides detailed data for airport schedules and timetables of a historical date. The data includes many useful details like cancellations and delays, making the API a perfect choice for especially flight claim businesses. Clients may pull accurate data via the API based on a specific date or a date range in the past. The range may be a maximum of 30 days. For a longer date range, it is possible to make multiple API calls.

Sources and process

The data structure is the same as our real-time Schedules API which makes it extra convenient for our clients who work with both real-time and historical data. Several filters are enabled for clients who would like to focus on a certain type of flight status such as cancelled and delayed, or a certain date range to measure the air traffic of an airport.


Data included in the Historical Schedules API

  • Status of the flight: landed, cancelled, delayed, unkknown.
  • Location: departure/arrival: Airport IATA code, ICAO code, Terminal, Gate.
  • Take-off information: the scheduled, estimated (for delayed flights) and actual time on runway and that of departure/arrival. Delay amount by minute included.
  • Airline: Name, IATA code and ICAO code.
  • Flight: Number of Flight, IATA prefix with flight number and ICAO prefix with flight number.

Future Schedules API

The API provides detailed data for airport schedules and timetables of a future date based on real-time and historical data. A standard API response includes useful details such as the originally scheduled arrival and departure time, gate, terminal, as well as airline, aircraft and flight number details. The API is particularly useful for travel agencies and to build platforms, apps, websites etc. in which your clients can choose a flight by entering a date in the future and view its details.


Sources and process

The response for each flight has a similar structure to our real-time and historical Schedules APIs. When combined, the 3 APIs give you complete schedule data of airports worldwide, either be in the past, present and the future, allowing seeing changes in the traffic over time. There are multiple filters to get the exact flights you are looking for out of a full API response, i.e. flights of a certain airline, flights that are to arrive or depart to a certain airport, or individual flights by their flight numbers.


Data included in the Future Schedules API

  • Departure and arrival airport information: IATA codes
  • Weekday: The day of the week of the flight, “1” being Monday
  • Terminal and gate: The most common terminal and the gate number of the departing/arriving flight
  • Take-off information: Scheduled departure or arrival time of the flight
  • Aircraft details: Model code and text
  • Airline details: Name, IATA and ICAO codes
  • Flight information: Flight number as well as flight IATA and ICAO codes

Aviation Autocomplete API

This API helps to locate airports based on partial input. For example if you type Ams, it will come up with Amsterdam, Schiphol and other airports which include “ams” as part of their name or coding. This is a fitting addition to the other API services that we offer on aviation. Allowing clients to easily integrate a search window for their customers. The autocomplete is based on our internal databases of airports, cities and others. These are maintained up to date manually and through dedicated software.


Sources and process

The sources of the data are aviation authorities, airports directly and our partners in aviation data. The aviation autocomplete API is based on the databases on airports and other related segments. They are updated periodically saving time from the clients to maintain these manually.

Data included in the Future Schedules API

  • Location type: City, airport, railway, bus station, heliport, seaport, etc.
  • Location data: IATA code, ICAO code, names, city code, country.
  • Location coordinates: Latitude, longitude, timezone.

Satellite Tracker API

The API grants access to detailed data on satellites orbiting around the Earth. The location values are maintained in our servers, aggregated here and provided in a live manner. Satellites can be tracked via the NORAD codes for an easier tracking/filtering experience. Developers can shape the raw data into their designated project without having to rely on multiple different sources.


Sources and process

The reliable data is provided through official sources as well as data partners on a global scale. The data is then aggregated and maintained in our servers before displayed to our clients through the Satellite Tracker API. The data is live and constantly updated.

Data included in the Satellite Tracker API

  • Core satellite data: Core details of the satellite such as the NORAD code, country of origin, name, and size
  • Launch details: Exact launch date, year, number and part.
  • ECI (Earth-centered inertial) Coordinates: The coordinates (position) of the satellite that are defined as the distance from the origin along the three orthogonal (mutually perpendicular) axes.
  • Geographical location: Altitude, latitude and longitude values of the satellite’s current location
  • Orbit and ascension values: Orbital apogee, perigee, inclination and period  as well as right ascension values of the satellite
  • TLE (Two-line Element Set): The two-line standard designation of satellite data consisting of satellite number, launch date and the parameters of its orbit

Airlines database

A complete database of all the airlines in the world. Used often in combination with other API solutions such as the flight tracker, airline schedules and routes. The database is a foundation for a wide range of software applications. There are two ways to obtain the airline database, either by downloading it in excel, csv or sql format or by connecting to the API service which Aviation Edge provides. When you download the database individually or in combination with other databases, you will receive important updates automatically by mail and you can also access your account at any time to download the database. The other option through API will allow you to develop a software to automatically check for updates.

Sources and process

The airline database is a foundation for several other features we have. The data is gathered from aviation authorities as well as airlines directly and our partners in aviation data. We maintain the database through dedicated software and manual checks.

Data included in Airlines database download

  • Codes: Aside from the airline Name, the database includes IATA code and IATA prefix and IATA accounting code, ICAO code
  • Related data: IATA code of the Hub airport of the airline, name and ISO code of country
  • Airline details: Status of airline (active, closed, etc), Type of airline, Founding year, Fleet size, average age of fleet
  • Contact information: Website, twitter, facebook, phone nr (when available)

Airports database

World airport database with detailed data on every airport. The database can be downloaded or reached through API. It actually contains data about all aviation platforms, including private and public airports, airstrips, helipads, seaports and much more. It’s possible to download in excel, csv or sql format. Most of our clients initially download this as a stand-alone document or in combination with the other databases in a complete package. Aviation Edge has developed dedicated software to connect with our partners and airports directly to maintain the data actual. When downloading the database you will automatically receive mayor updates on the email used for registration. An other option is to connect to the API service which also allows you access to our other features which make use of the airport database.

Sources and process

A large part of our data comes from aviation authorities and national institutions around the world. We further develop the details of the airports database by making direct contact with the airports or through our data partners in aviation.

Data included in Airports database download

  • Airport details: Name, IATA code ICAO code, Name translations, routes.
  • Locational information: Name and ISO of country, IATA of nearby city, Latitude and Longitude coordinates, Timezone, GMT offset, geoname ID.
  • Contact information: website and phone nr (when available)

Aircraft database

Aviation Edge maintains an aircraft registry in the form of a database of all aircraft types which can be downloaded in excel, csv or sql format. It is also possible to connect to this database through the API service. The database is used internally for flight tracking and by the clients for a wide range of software applications. By downloading the airplane database you will receive support and mayor updates for the period of one year. The data we provide saves clients a lot of time of manually aggregating the data from various sources. On top of this we have developed software to control the validity of the data where possible. This allows clients to focus on their core business while relying on our aviation database.

Sources and process

A large amount of details is gathered from the FAA public aircraft registry. We combine this with many additional sources from local aviation authorities and manufacturers as well as directly from airlines and wholesalers.

Data included in Aircraft database download

  • Aircraft basic: Name, model, registration number, IATA typecode, ICAO24 hex code, IATA short and long.
  • Historic data: Date of rollout, first flight, delivery and registration of aircraft.
  • Production data: Construction number, production line, airplane series.
  • Owner information: Owner of plane, airline IATA and ICAO code.
  • Aircraft details: Classes, seats, Amount of engines, age of airplane and status.

City database

The database contains all cities in the world with their aviation and travel related data. It is possible to download the city database in excel, csv or sql format so that it functions for all of our clients. The other way to reach this data is through our API system which will automatically be updated with new information as we aggregate them. Many of the clients initially download the city database followed by signing up to obtain their own API key. There is a free sample available to verify if the data contains what you are looking for before committing to it. When downloading you will receive updates of any mayor changes automatically by mail.

Sources and process

The data is regularly checked and updated directly from various national sources. In case these are not available we use publicly accessible information to complete the database.

Data included in City database download

  • City basic: Name, IATA, ISO-2 related country.
  • Location data: Latitude, Longitude, Timezone, GMT offset, Geoname ID.
  • Translations: Translations of the city name (when available).

Country database

The country database contains all countries and regions in the world. This global country database can be downloaded as an excel, csv or sql file or you can connect to it through our API system. Using the API subscription, clients will automatically receive the updates as we continue to improve our data. Clients who choose to download the data will receive mayor updates automatically by mail. Download the free country database sample to check if it contains the information you are looking for and then decide either to download or connect to the API. The central focus for Aviation Edge is to gather data and keep it actual so that the clients are able to focus on using the data in their software.

Sources and process

Regarding the country data, we use publicly accessible data from official sources and aggregate that centrally into our database. The added value given, is that this data is collected and maintained, taking this concern away from the clients.

Data included in Country database download

  • Country basic: Name and Name translations, IATA, ISO-2, ISO-3, Numeric.
  • Currency: Name of currency and Code of currency.
  • Location data:Continent, capital, neighbours.
  • Other:Prefix of phones, Popularity, Languages spoken.

Taxes database

The IATA tax codes database includes a list of all IATA codes for the different functions. You can download it in the form of excel, csv or sql or you just subscribe to our API system which already includes this data as well. As we update our databases, you will receive the additional information as well. If you choose to download the database, we will send you updates over mail. Get the database sample of the IATA taxes codes first. This way you can check if it has the information which you are looking for. Afterwards, you can decide to purchase the API subscription or the direct download. You use the data for your software and we keep it actual.

Sources and process

Our data is obtained directly from authority sources to assure its accuracy. 

Data included in Taxes database download

  • Tax Id: Our internal code for the tax.
  • Tax Name: Name of the tax code which explains what it is for.
  • IATA tax code: The officially assigned tax code.