If there is data that is useful for the aviation industry, we have it in our database. Our list of airplanes with IATA codes is complete. Our airplane dataset with airplane designators, information about airplane status and IATA ICAO airplane code. Just imagine the detail you can provide to your clients about each individual plane through one simple API connection. We have handled our list of all the airplanes for many years. You can make the data more interesting by combining it with, for example, our timetable API or flight tracker API.
Our full list of IATA ICAO airplane codes is constantly checked automatically to see if new data needs to be added. Whenever there is any doubt, we do manual checks with our partners in the aviation industry. The IATA airplane codes list download has the airplane classification IATA 3 digit airplane codes, IATA airplane designator or IATA airplane identifiers. The official list of IATA airplanes and the airlines they belong to is very useful and if you need to test it in advance, you can also use the IATA codes lookup at the top of this page.
The ICAO airplane designator has an ICAO 3 letter airplane codes. Test the ICAO airplane code database with the tool at the top of this page. It has most of our ICAO airplane codes. Try it out now through our homepage or by registering for the free API.
Flight Tracker API we operate, the timetables and the routes databases are a few useful tools related to the airplane database which is used by many of our clients. We have developed these to help make it easier for you to share this information with your customers and to be sure that you are providing accurate data. Many customers initially download our database and then use the API to keep it up to date with the latest airplane production. This saves them time and money from having to manually maintain their list. We also have an SLA that we commit to every premium account, guaranteeing the quality metrics such as the quality of our support, the speed of data transfer and a high server up-time. (currently, average 99.98%). Well above industry standard!
Most people using the airplane database are flight tracking apps or other aviation hobbyist platforms. There are countless reasons to use our IATA airplane database. Maybe you want to provide extra information to your customers on your reservation system which uses the airplane information on the timetables or contains a list of currently flying airplanes. For those who want to experiment with our data first, we have a free API option available which new clients use to test the service before buying. You can use it to create for yourself an airplane database example. Further documentation about how to use the API in detail is found on our developers’ page.
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For any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to contact us for one-on-one solutions.
Get a Free Sample of our databases or get the API key right away here:
Flight Tracker API
Aviation Edge Flight Tracker API provides detailed data on live, airborne flights. The data is aggregated from…
Flight Schedules API
The Schedules API service provides the flight schedules and timetables of all airports and airlines around the world…
Airline Routes API
The Airline Routes API provides the data about the routes between all the airports an airline operates on. The service…
Flight Delay API
The Flight Delay API service provides historical flight schedule and timetables data of all airports and airlines around the world. …
Aviation Database
Our databases are categorized as airport database, aircraft database, airline database, city database, country database, aviation taxes…
Get our free API here or by clicking the button below. Fill in the basic form and test the power of our API with the free version. Consult our Premium page for our offers.