AIS navigational status of vessels
Navigational status is a critical aspect of maritime operations that provides real-time insights into a vessel’s current operational state and location.
You can access information about the navigational status as long as you have the vessel tracking API key that provides real-time data about the vessel’s journey.
- Data Analysis for Navigation: AIS data analysis provides insights into vessel movements and patterns.
- Understanding AIS Navigational Status: It indicates a ship’s current operational status, like being at anchor, underway, or moored.

What’s AIS Navigational Status?
An AIS navigational status is a form of a signal reported by the vessel, which describes the status of the vessel in real-time.
Indeed, you can understand the vessel’s activity by reading the navigational status code. The code can have different values ranging from 0 to 15.
What are the major AIS navigational statuses?
- 0 = Underway using engine: The vessel is underway using the engine when it is not aground, not at anchor, and not attached to a dock or any stationary object.
- 1 = At anchor: The vessel is considered at anchor when it is held in one position by an anchor, preventing it from drifting away.
- 2 = Not under command: refers to a vessel that is unable to maneuver due to certain circumstances.
- 3 = Restricted maneuverability: means that a vessel is unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.
- 4 = Constrained by draught: A vessel constrained by draught is restricted from deviating from its course due to draught power.
- 5 = Moored: A vessel is moored when it is secured at a pier or dock, limiting its movement with lines or cables.
- 6 = Aground: A vessel is aground when it is stranded or stuck underwater.
- 7 = Engaged in fishing: This refers to a vessel used for fishing with nets, trawls, and similar equipment.
- 8 = Underway sailing: The vessel is underway sailing when it is not aground, not attached to any objects like a shore or a dock, and not at anchor.
How can I get information about the navigational status of my vessel in real-time?
If you’re interested in getting real-time data about the navigational status of any vessel, vessel tracking API can provide this information for you.
A subscription to vessel tracking API services can get you access to real-time data about any vessel’s navigational status around the globe, its heading course, callsign, and much more.
Firstly, this information can help you to track the journey of vessels that you’re interested in and get up-to-date information about their navigational status.
Secondly, it can also be particularly helpful when it comes to collision avoidance, communication, and safety, as it allows you to make informed decisions based on accurate and timely data.
Vessel Tracking API Request Example
📌 Example Pro Live Ship Tracking API Request:{YOUR_API_KEY}&{PARAMETER}={PARAMETER_NUMBER}
📌 Request Parameters:
api-key: Your API Key sent to you via email upon your successful registration
uuid: Vessel UUID number
mmsi: Vessel MMSI number
imo: Vessel IMO number
📌 API Response Example :
"uuid": "b8625b67-7142-cfd1-7b85-595cebfe4191",
"mmsi": "566093000",
"imo": "9525338",
"eni": null,
"country_iso": "SG",
"type": "Cargo - Hazard A (Major)",
"type_specific": "Container Ship",
"lat": 6.303473,
"lon": 3.201678,
"speed": 0,
"course": 326,
"navigational_status": "Under Way using engine"
"heading": 226,
"destination": "NGAPP>TGLFW",
"dest_port": "LOME"
"dest_port_unlocode": "TGLFW"
"dep_port": "JEBEL ALI [AE]"
"dep_port_unlocode": "AEJEA"
"last_position_epoch": 1620484020,
"last_position_UTC": "2021-05-08T14:27:00Z"
"atd_epoch": 1621469820
"eta_epoch": 1622980800