Flight Distance API

Whether you are a bigger-scale company or an independent developer, if you are enthusiastic about aviation as we are, there are countless ways you can use our data. One of the purposes on the rise for flight data is creating a “flight distance API”. For this purpose, clients use the raw data we provide and calculate the distance between two or more live flights, at a given time. It is also possible to make a live flight map showing live flights within a given parameter. Pretty cool!

Flight distance API is possible via the latitude and longitude values of live flights we provide via our Flight Tracker API. More information on what is included down below!

With this raw data, you can build your dream project and calculate flight distances. You can determine the actual distance between two flights and measure the activity in a given parameter. 

Calculate Flight Distance API

Calculate flight distance API can also be used in online visual flight maps. We have several clients using the data we provide to create a live world map showing flights in the air. With the flight distance API, you can now narrow down the map as you wish. For instance, if your project should cover a specific airline’s routes, you can narrow down the flight distance API to a certain region covering the countries that airline operates on. You can also use our Routes API for raw data on airline routes globally. Visit here for more information!

Our Flight Tracker API for Calculating Flight Distances - What is Included:

The Flight Search API provides you with all the data shown below:

  • Geography: Location information such as latitude, longitude, altitude and direction.
  • Speed: Vertical and horizontal speed of aircraft.
  • Departure and arrival: IATA codes and ICAO codes of the departure and arrival location.
  • Aircraft and flight: IATA and ICAO number of flight and registration number, ICAO code and ICAO24 code of aircraft.
  • Airline: IATA code and ICAO code of airline.
  • System information: Squawk, status and last updated.

We are here for you!

We got you covered for any questions you may have on the usage of the APIs along the way. You can send us an email with your question and we will get back to you with solutions! You may find our contact information here.

Don't Miss Out!

In addition to all of these amazing features, our Premium packages include 24/7 support, the highest uptime rate on the market, SLA, constant updates, and much, much more. All at a budget-friendly price!

For you to test our data thoroughly, we have a HUGE discount rate for the initial month of the subscription. Don’t miss out on prices starting from $7 only! 

You can sign up by clicking the button on the left and get started right away! Your API key, as well as your login information, will be sent to you automatically.

We are here for any questions and feedback you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

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