IATA Airport codes and names Database

API Database of IATA Airport Codes and Names

Real-time API Database of IATA Airport Codes and Names of Cities

API offered by the Aviation Edge has IATA airport codes of all airports of the world. To provide you accurate codes we make sure to keep track of all changes in IATA airport database and update our API accordingly. Sourcing the relevant and accurate IATA airport codes and names of cities consumes a large amount of time and resources. Start working efficiently, access our API and save your time and efforts. We are known for our friendly APIs and are proud to be the first choice of many Application Developers.

API for International and local airports IATA codes, names, short names

The majority of our clients are within the aviation industry but in reality, anyone could use our API who wants to access IATA airport codes. Most of our direct clients are developers who want to use the database containing names and codes of airports to build a platform for their consumers. Our API containing international abbreviations of airports is mostly used in applications that have been built for passenger and cargo traffic purposes. There’s no need to start all over again and completely rebuild forms and commands for your apps. All of these are accessible within our API and can be easily brought into your program. Using a single and reliable source of data like Aviation-edge ensures a consistent look and feel for your developed applications.