Flight Ticket Prices API
Get your Flight Ticket Prices data with our API
The Flight Ticket Prices API helps find the most affordable flight tickets based on specified criteria, whether it’s for a one-way or round-trip journey. Utilizing filtering parameters, it enables the planning of an ideal route, providing information about travel options, arrival and departure times, airlines, the total duration of the trip, as well as baggage allowance and layovers and stopovers.
- Prices and fare details
- Airline names
- Departure and arrival airports and times
- Layovers and stopovers
- Flight duration
- Baggage allowances

Data included in the Flight Ticket Prices API
Find the best-priced flight ticket, which you can filter based on departure city/airport, destination, date, number of travelers, transfers, duration of the journey etc.
- Prices and Fare Details: Price in the predetermined currency
- Airline Names: Name and IATA and ICAO code of airline
- Departure and Arrival Times: Precise departure and arrival times for each flight
- Departure and Arrival Airports: IATA code, ICAO code, Terminal
- Flight Duration: Total duration of each flight
- Layovers and Stopovers: Any layovers or stopovers in the itinerary, including the duration and location
- Baggage Allowances: Baggage allowances for each flight, including both carry-on and checked luggage
Sources and Process
- The Flight Prices API scours through more than 400 airlines to locate the most economical flights for any specified itinerary.
Aviation Edge is dedicated to collecting and maintaining comprehensive aviation data on behalf of you, our client, enabling you to develop the necessary tools for your customers.
Flight Ticket Prices API Request - Developer Information
Flight prices for a certain destination on a certain date:
Flight prices for one-way trip on a certain date:
Round-trip with only direct flights:
Response Example
Plane tickets
“results”: [
“price”: “$1200”,
“currency”: “USD”,
“cabin”: economy,
“flightDetails”: {
“airline”: {
“name”: “Airways International”,
“iataCode”: “AI”,
“icaoCode”: “AINT”
“departure”: {
“time”: “08:00”,
“city”: New York, US
“airport”: John F. Kennedy International Airport
“airportCode”: “JFK”,
“terminal”: “4”
“arrival”: {
“time”: “20:00”,
“city”: London, UK
“airport”: Heathrow Airport
“airportCode”: “LHR”,
“terminal”: “5”
“duration”: “7h”,
“layovers”: [
“location”: “Paris CDG”,
“duration”: “2h”
“baggageAllowance”: {
“carryOn”: “1 piece, up to 8kg”,
“checked”: “1 piece, up to 23kg”
The Flight Prices API – Your Ultimate Travel Planning Companion
As air travel has become a routine part of our lives, passengers increasingly seek the easiest and most effective way to identify the most beneficial flight options from the myriad of available choices, ensuring they meet specific flying conditions. Addressing this need, Aviation-Edge has dedicated its Flight Prices API to simplify this process. This API is designed for easy integration into various flight tracking and travel planning applications, offering users a streamlined and efficient tool for selecting optimal flight deals.
For travel agencies and online booking sites, the API serves as an invaluable tool to automatically update flight options and prices, ensuring that customers have access to the most current and competitive fares. It’s also beneficial for corporate travel managers, enabling them to plan cost-effective business trips by filtering flights based on specific criteria like price, duration, or stopovers.
Moreover, independent app developers can utilize this API to create innovative travel apps that help users plan their journeys more efficiently, offering features like price alerts and comparison charts. This flexibility makes the Flight Prices API a key component in developing a range of travel-related applications and services.
Aviation Edge currently provides its clients with Real-Time Flight Tracker API, Nearby Service API, Routes API, Schedules API, Autocompletion Service API regarding dynamic data and Airlines API, Airplanes API, Airport API, City API, Country API and Taxes API regarding static data.
The APIs let you connect to our massive database. Databases containing static data are airlines, airplanes, airports, cities, countries, plane-types, taxes-ID and time zones which are available for download or via the APIs. The databases containing dynamic data such as flight tracking, schedules and routes are available via the API services to help you build the exact app you need.
Aviation Edge provides a reliable experience for all businesses and individuals that need flight-tracking, whether formerly familiar with APIs or wishing to start to benefit from the countless advantages of APIs.
On top of that, Aviation-Edge provides 24/7 assistance to its Premium clients with any requests regarding certain data, technical difficulties, feedback, payment and everything else.
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