Nearest Airport and City API
Find Airports and Cities Near Certain Locations With Our API!
The API service to find airports and cities nearby a certain location is developed based on the databases about airports and cities which Aviation Edge maintains actually. Using the latitude and longitude data about the airports and cities, the nearby API can identify within a set range, which airports and cities are nearby.
- Type of location
- Location data
- Coordinates of location

Nearby Airport and Cities API Includes
Get all the detailed information based on locations of your choice.
- Type of location: City, airport, railway, bus station, heliport, seaport, etc.
- Location data: IATA code, ICAO code, names, city code, country.
- Coordinates of location: Latitude, longitude, timezone.
Sources and Process
The Nearby airports and cities API is founded on our airports and cities database. These are constantly expanding with more data as they become available to us through new data partnerships and data sharing.
Nearby API Output - Developer information

For airports and cities nearby a certain latitude or longitude, within a certain distance.

Response Example
Airports and cities nearby
“code”: “BUW”,
“icao”: “WAWB”,
“name”: “Baubau”,
“cityCode”: “BUW”,
“cityName”: “Baubau”,
“countryCode”: “ID”,
“countryName”: “Indonesia”,
“lat”: -5.466667,
“lng”: 122.63333,
“timezone”: “Asia/Makassar”,
“type”: “airport”,
“isRailRoad”: 0,
“isBusStation”: 0, “distance”: 0 },
“code”: “RAQ”,
“icao”: “WAWR”,
“name”: “Sugimanuru”,
“cityCode”: “RAQ”,
“cityName”: “Raha”,
“countryCode”: “ID”,
“countryName”: “Indonesia”,
“lat”: -4.916667,
“lng”: 122.583336,
“timezone”: “Asia/Makassar”,
“type”: “airport”,
“isRailRoad”: 0,
“isBusStation”: 0,
“distance”: 61404
Nearest Airport API
As Aviation Edge, we aim excellence in aviation data procurement. One of our densely used APIs is the Nearest Airport API. This API not only allows our clients to reach data about airports and cities that are nearby a destined location but it also is a great source for determining distances between airports.
Our database contains the latitude and longitude information of airports and cities which is kept up-to-date at all time and checked regularly. Therefore, using this information, you can use the Nearest Airport API to determine the distance between airport A and airport B. We believe this feature can be a very valuable addition to your project especially for time and routes calculations of flights worldwide. The limit is the sky!
The Nearest Airport API is also a must-have for determination of nearby airports, cities and naturally, countries. For instance, you can think of a certain range yourself and use the Airport API to find what airport is nearby. You can then make all required calculations based on this data to provide your customers with an accurate, actual nearby-data software. The Airport API, as well as many other aviation related details will help you to shape your project into a very effective and ambitious one!
The Airport API includes data regarding all airports worldwide. We made sure to include many detailed information such as airport details (full names, name translations into local languages, official abbreviations and routes of airports), IATA and ICAO codes, location information and contact information to make sure you don’t miss anything when you are developing your project.
Whether you are a software developer or related to an aviation related business, you can benefit from the advantages the services Aviation Edge provides, all at a very budget-friendly price range. We want to make sure that you make sure our data works for you! That is why we included a Free Trial with no commitments for you to see the data yourself before you make any implementations.
We believe accuracy and actuality is the key! All that will be left for you to do is to focus on your project with Aviation Edge.
On top of all these, we provide 24/7 assistance to our Premium clients with any requests regarding availability of data, technical assistance, feedback, payment and everything else. Our friendly customer care team will make sure to offer you on-one-solutions. Don’t hesitate to contact us!
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